EDINIYA - is a new country on Our Planet Earth, it has formed in 2011 on the 2th of January.
This is a new state, which is located across Our Planet Earth, and therefore has no boundaries.
In this new country, living spiritual and bright people who think the planet Earth is their Home.
In Ediniya there is no any place for war and hatred, all people are equal and love each other.
Nowadays, this country is growing and developing, soon it will become a vast Empire of Love.
Would you also want to live in such country right now?
2011.01.02 = 2+0+1+1+0+1+0+2 = 7
Ediniya = 7
A unique project of the 2011 year
In Ediniya are already living 12723 people, would You want to live in such country,
where love reigns and all it's inhabitants are living on the basis of the
mutual respect and assistance, time and efforts are spent
not to fight for the survival, they are for the sublime creativity,
the revival of Our beautiful home, which is the Planet
Earth, for the fullness of life and the joy of it?